Florida is a melting pot of people whose primary industry is tourism. This provides many prospects for employment for Cubans and South Americans resulting in Spanish being the second language. The population doubles in winter months with a significant representation from Canada and the U.S. Northeast. The name Florida is Spanish for the "land of flowers” and is the southern most state, 3rd-most populous, and 8th-most densely populated of the U.S. states.
What defines Florida and sets it apart from the other 49 States, is its adoption into law of the "Castle Doctrine”, generally referred to as the "Stand Your Ground" law; and secondly, the Florida Homestead Laws.
Simply put, the "Castle Doctrine"maintains that one need not back down nor retreat if one feels threatened and may use deadly force to defend themselves. As I write this, we are presently in the wake of a mass shooting by a high school student, killing 17 and injuring countless others. The promise to address gun control laws continues to land on deaf ears as a result of the strong gun rights lobby. In contrast to Canada, the threat of gun violence and visibility of law enforcement everywhere is a daily reminder of the hostile environment.
The "Home Stead" laws totally protects ones residential property, regardless of size or value against creditors and bankruptcy. In addition, a true Florida resident known as a homesteader pays no State Tax nor is subject to Estate Tax as well as receiving a preferred property tax rate. This, in particular, has resulted in a mass migration of families from New York , New Jersey , and Massachusetts to resettle permanently in Florida.
This law is also known as “debtor’s haven” sheltering migrants without prejudice.